Ceremonial Cacao Recipe
Mama Cacao
Drink Cacao to say thank you for what I have,
Drink Cacao to say thank you for what I am,
Drink Cacao to say thank you for everything I know,
Mama Cacao del Amor.
Drinking cacao helps us connect to our inner self, assisting in deeper healing and receiving clarity in the areas of love, purpose, intuition and personal growth.
Before our modern ways of existing and living took over we lived in harmony with our natural world, we respected the wisdom of plants and what they could teach us.
Plant medicines such as cacao help us to reconnect with this primal wisdom, bringing us back into harmony with ourselves, each other and Earth.
( per individual )
The deeper your journey becomes and more familiar your body becomes with Cacao medicine you may find you need a lower dose as your heart is open to receive and your body already in conversation with Mama Cacao.
It is important to listen to your body and be mindful of what you are needing in this moment.
Cayenne Pepper - A pinch of,
Cinnamon - A good sprinkle,
Maple Syrup - Add to taste, cacao can be a little bitter.
To make it deliciously personal, why not something extra to give your elixir some LOVE!
Organic orange essential oil,
Rose water,
Mushroom Extracts

- Measure/Weigh your cacao,
Add your beautiful cacao to the pre heated water in the saucepan, the water is not boiling, it is simmering hot,
Remember - Do not boil / over heat your cacao medicine, take your time and heat slowly, stir gently,
- Adding in your personal ingredients for flavour and depth.
Play some beautiful music, sing and send all those healing vibrations into your beautiful chocolate medicine, we love playing a bit of GAYATRI MANTRA or sing prayers to Mama Cacao, thanking her for her beautiful medicine.
Here to heal us and open our hearts.
Have a little taste to determine how much sweetness you want to add, it's personal.
When your ceremonial cacao is ready it will be slightly frothy on top and smell delicious!
Set your intentions, open your heart and let all the healing energy of cacao do her magic.