
The Magic of Healing with Kambo
Viva Kambo!
Working with this beautiful medicine both receiving and offering is a path I was called to walk some years ago, committing my time, heart and journey to becoming a practitioner so that I am able to hold and guide others through their healing with Kambo.
Before treatment you will receive a thorough medical and emotional screening to ensure Kambo, Kambo Nadi is right for you, prioritising your safety and well being above all else.
Your treatment will be designed specifically for you, helping you to access deeper emotional, physical and energetic release, a truly transformative and beautiful healing modality.
What is Kambo ?
The frogs secretion contains a cocktail of powerful bioactive peptides that benefit our human body in miraculous ways, the neuropeptides and alkaloids, travel around the body and lymphatic system, cleaning out previously stored toxins from the cells.
A medicine for mind, body and soul.
I receive my Kambo directly from a beautiful tribe who honour and celebrate their beloved medicine frogs, gently removing the secretion in an ethical and kind practice before releasing them back into the wild canopies of the jungle.
By unblocking and removing ‘panema’, a person is free to live a lighter life with more balance, an abundant life full of good fortune and vitality.
As the Western world embraces a new era, shifting the perspective of what healing truly is and opens minds to intelligent sources of medicine, we embrace a more holistic view and are ready to step into an evolved relationship with healing and health.
Outside of the Amazon, Kambo has been the subject of decades of research, studies show us that the secretion (Kambo) from the Phyllomedusa Bicolor Frog could open up a new world of treatments, science is only just beginning to reveal the true potential of Kambo and its powers.
Mood disorders such as depression and anxiety,
Digestive disorders,
Heavy metal poisoning and mold,
Lyme’s Disease and co-infections,
Herpes and Epstein Barr Virus,
Virus and Flu,
Autoimmune and Inflammatory Diseases,
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome,
Endocrine disorders,
Select Cancers,
Thyroid Dis-ease,
Improved Immune Health,
Balanced Wellbeing,
Improved Spiritual Health,
Clearing of Negative Energies,
Release of Stored Trauma,
Support with Addictions,
Pain Relief,
Anti Inflammatory,
Clearing of Parasites,
Energy Balancing,
Heart Opening,
Clarity of the Mind,
Stillness in the Body,
cocktail of peptides, proteins, and bioactive compounds, there are at present 24 identified peptide compounds as well as steroids, alkaloids and proteins, which is of great interest to pharmaceutical companies.
There are over 70 patents that exist on the peptides Kambo contains, but, despite drug companies attempts to isolate and synthesise versions of these peptides, the frogs naturally occurring peptides are simply far more advanced.
What are Peptides ?
Peptides are chains of amino acids, much like proteins, the difference being the length between the two chains: peptides are short chains and proteins are long chains of amino acids.
They are essential for our overall, general health and cell function.Of the peptides that have been studied more extensively and their properties...
Dermaseptins: Antimicrobial peptides effective against bacteria, fungi, and viruses.
Studies have explored the ability of these peptides to destroy on contact pathogens such as E.coli, salmonella, gonorrhea, herpes viruses, HIV, candida albicans, and even malaria-causing protozoans. -
Phyllocaerulein: Affects smooth muscles, inducing contraction and providing analgesic effects.
Stimulating the adrenal cortex and pituitary gland, helping to increase sensory perception and increase physical endurance.
This peptide along with Sauvagine both create a drop in blood pleasure and increase in heart rate, along with the stimulation of gastric and pancreatic secretions.
This combination is what contributes to the feelings of nausea and vomiting during a Kambo purging ceremony. -
Phyllomedusin: A part Tachykinin family, cleansing digestive system and potent vasodilator.
This peptide stimulates deep cleansing of the whole digestive system, working in synergy with phyllokinin to create the contraction and relaxation of the gut, the creator of the Kambo purge.
Phyllokinin: Acts as a bradykinin, influencing blood pressure and causing vasodilation.
Similar to Phyllomedusin it also acts as a potent vasodilator and causes contraction of the smooth muscle of the gut aiding a release and purge. -
Dermorphins and Deltorphins: Potent opioid peptides with strong analgesic properties.
These peptides are of the greatest interest to pharmaceutical companies for their analgesic, pain-blocking properties, having a potency a 1000 times more effective than that of native endorphins and 30-40 times the potency of morphine.
However, despite their potent opioid receptor activity, neither dermorphin or deltorphins show any evidence of dependence or abuse potential.

Kambo Nadi
Powerful, specialist protocols such as Kambo Nadi can balance, clear and open these vital energetic pathways with transformative, life-changing and long-lasting results.
The Nadi System
Sushumna, The central pathway to awakening
The Purge
Our relationship with purging here in the West is one of mixed feelings and contrast, seemingly we are one or the other, fixated on purging our trauma and sins into a bucket or scared and running from it all together!
Traditionally Kambo is served with the intention to purge and cleanse, increasing vitality and spiritual health but there are more reasons than the purge to meet Kambo.
This medicine also offers subtle healing and deep insight into our inner world, as Kambo transcends it's native and indigenous roots and awareness evolves, so does the medicine itself, serving practices and use.
Kambo ceremony traditionally includes drinking water 1- 2l to aid purging and clearing, we call this a "wet purge" protocol, but, not all can safely purge due all manners of reasons and potential risk, that doesn't mean those individuals are not able to receive the benefits of kambo.
I also offer Kambo as a "dry stack" protocol, this application is longer, less physical and often offers more profound and deeper insights on a spiritual level. During this ceremony there is no water, so as not to induce feelings of nausea and the medicine is applied one point at a time allowing the peptides to enter the lymphatic system slowly, giving the body time to gently purge toxins into the lower intestine. (unable to be reabsorbed and thus, later released)
Both Kambo serving protocols (wet and dry) can be used in a traditional Kambo and Kambo Nadi Ceremony.
Is Kambo Safe ?
Outside of the forests and tribes Kambo is becoming increasingly popular,
this transformative medicine as we see from studies and individual testimonies supports healing on many layers of our being, but, this medicine also commands great respect and must be held by those who are both knowledgeable, trained and have a deep relationship with Kambo.
Though incidences are very rare, safe use of medicines is essential.
The following may not safely take Kambo:
People with serious heart problems,People who have had a stroke,
People on medication for low blood pressure (this is extremely rare)
People who’ve had a brain hemorrhage,
People who have aneurysms or blood clots,
People who lack the mental capacity to make the decision to take Kambo,
People with serious mental health problems, excluding depression and anxiety,
People undergoing chemotherapy or radiotherapy for 4 – 6 weeks afterward,
People who take immune-suppressants for an organ transplant,
Women who are pregnant or may be so,
Women who are breast-feeding a child under 6 months old,
People with Addison’s disease,
People with Ehlers Danlos Syndrome,
People with current and severe Epilepsy,
Are recovering from a major surgical procedure
Under 18, Over 65,
Also contraindicated if taking any of the following:
Heart disease medications,
Parkinson's medications,
Epilepsy medications,
Lyme's Disease (in some cases) medications,
Blood pressure medications,
Steroids (Arthritis + Rheumatism) medications,
Corticosteroids medications,
Infection (Diclofenac) medications,
Sleeping pills and medications,
Varicose Vein medications,
NSAID medications,
Clove and other cleansing herbs,
If you have taken Bufo 5MEO DMT within 28 days.

Ceremony Flow
It is important to meet medicine with intention rather than expectation, the rule is...
"We get what we need, Not want we want"
- We will begin by discussing protocols, safety, expectations and your initial screening form before we begin, assuring that both you feel safe and ready to receive Kambo and so that I myself also feel you are aware, ready and safe to receive the medicine.
Opening ceremony space, smudging with sacred smoke to cleanse and clear any stagnant, unwanted energies and prepare for ceremony.
- Discussing, sharing and setting your intentions for meeting Kambo, what you wish to receive from the medicine and how you would like Kambo to support your healing journey.
Invocation and prayer for healing, inviting in the elements, our ancestors and guides to support us during ceremony and the journey ahead.
I will offer/invite you to receive Sananga, this beautiful and powerful medicine is delivered as eye drops to clear, ground and open our spiritual sight in preparation to receive Kambo.
During ceremony (if needed) I will offer you Rapé
(pronounced Hapeh), another beautiful and powerful medicine to support with clearing, grounding and energetic blockages, Rapé helps to move you through the purging process.
- Once protocol and application design has been discussed I will create small superficial burns to the surface skin known as gates, allowing access to the lymphatic system, Kambo will be applied to these gates.
- If you are receiving a wet purge ceremony you will asked to start drinking water, the amount will be 1-2l.
Kambo medicine is then applied to the open gates, beginning with an initial test gate first to monitor sensitivity and response.
- In the first 2-5 min you may experience heat moving through the body, an increase of heart rate and rising of blood pressure, the blood pressure begins to drop and then this is when you are most likely to experience
discomfort and nausea.
- If you are happy to proceed I will then apply the remaining Kambo medicine.
- You will then experience for around 15 - 30 minutes the sensations of Kambo as above and be invited on inward journey with the Frog Spirit, you will be supported, reassured and guided though this process.
You will purge physically, emotionally, energetically and spiritually.
It is important to meet Kambo, like any master teacher medicine from a humble place of no expectation as we all receive and purge individually, there is no right or wrong way and the medicine will always offer us the healing we most need at this moment
After 30 - 60 min any feelings of discomfort and nausea will have passed, you will then feel beautiful clarity and stillness, relaxation, inner calmness, increased sensitivity, inner peace and feel grounded within your being.
For those with the intention of wishing Kambo to support them with pain and/or inflammation, the relief and benefits of the medicine are generally felt immediately and are lasting. -
You will be encouraged to rest and sink into a post Kambo peace nap for a moment whilst I prepare tea and nourishment post ceremony.
As we refuel our bodies and enjoy our tea you'll be invited to share your inner Kambo journey to better help with integration and the journey ahead. -
After the ceremony and for the following 1 to 2 weeks it is common to feel lighter and brighter, experience more ease, flow, greater awareness, spiritual connection, confidence, higher levels of discernment, and vitality...
– aka Kambo Glow.
Kambo holds incredible potential to support our well-being and health, as we witness these enchanting, beautiful medicines becoming more popular here in the West, it is essential that your safety and well-being is priority.
Always research who is serving and carrying the medicine...
What is their relationship and knowledge of Kambo ?
Have they undergone extensive training using safe and practised protocol?
Do you FEEL safe and HELD throughout pre-Kambo discussion and screening?
Are you ready to unlock the profound healing potential of Kambo?
Send me a message to discuss your journey and how Kambo can support you on your healing path using the - CONTACT ME form in the main menu.